Friday, May 15, 2009

Today I Consumed My Last pepsi

I'm a pepsi addict, and I've continued to drink it, even though it goes against many of my principles. But no more. I drank my last pepsi today. Michael Pollan was on Democracy Now yesterday. He said some great things. His new food advice: “Don’t Buy Any Food You’ve Ever Seen Advertised”. He also pointed out that both the health crisis and global warming crisis go back to food. The abundance and cheapness of processed food contribute to the health crisis. It's criminal that soda is so cheap. Soda is subsidized, but basic fruits and vegetables are not.
Dr. McDougall wrote an article on the link between food and global warming:
An Inconvenient Truth: We Are Eating Our Planet to Death: Choosing a Plant-food Based Diet Is a Moral Issue

How did we get to this place?