Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jailing Kids for Cash

Jailing Kids for Cash

This behavior is so outrageous. As long as we have private prisons, it will only get worse. I can't believe that there is now profit to be made from incarcerating people. When will the greed end!

We need to put money into prevention, rather than incarceration.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Petition to Reform Tamms Supermax Prison

Dear Friend,
Rep. Julie Hamos introduced legislation to reform Tamms supermax prison, and we already have 22 co-sponsors. Please sign our online petition to support HB2633 and forward it to all your contacts.
Why is this so important?
We need to show all the lawmakers in Illinois that there is widespread support for this bill. Please help us make sure this petition reaches every corner of the state.
Rep. Julie Hamos will personally deliver this petition to our legislators and to Governor Quinn.
Tamms is already a human rights and pubic policy disaster. Let's make it a political liability.
Tamms Year Ten